Baths Compare to Traditional Meditation

How Do Sound Baths Compare to Traditional Meditation?


People have been incorporating meditation into their daily routines in recent yearsas self-care and mindfulness have become popular ways of promoting healthy minds and bodies. But while traditional meditation continues to be an extremely popular self-care practice, sound baths are also gaining traction. But are they the same thing?

The truth is that while meditation and sound baths are both designed to promote relaxation and healing, there are a few differences between them. It is good to know what these differences are so that you can decide which one is right for you.

What is a Sound Bath?

According to the experts atMaloca Sound, a Sound bath is a type of meditation that involves various sound and frequencies designed to induce a sense of calm and wellbeing. During a sound bath, a facilitator will play an instrumentthat could be a chime, gong, tuning fork,or singing bowl. Those in attendance are encouraged to lie down and close their eyes, allowing the different sounds to wash over them. The aim is to promote healing through the vibrations. The sounds played will encourage the brain waves to slow down, helping participants to enter a meditative statefrom which they will benefit physically, mentally, and spiritually.

What is Traditional Meditation?

Traditional meditation is slightly different in that it is designed to help the individual train their mind to focus on something in the present moment, such as their breath or a certain object. For example, mindfulness is a type of traditional meditation that encourages you to become aware of your feelings and thoughts as well as everything going on around you. You are encouraged to become aware of these feelingswithout any judgement, which helps you to become more self-aware and thus reducing anxiety and stress.

The Main Differences

Traditional meditation requires you to focus and stay present, which involves training the mind; a sound bath is a more passive experience in which you can let your mind wander. Furthermore, during a sound bathyou are likely to experience sensory input with vibrations and sounds designed to stimulate the mind and body. A traditional meditation session will often takeplace in a quiet room without any sensory input.

Meditation is something that can be easily practiced at home alone in a quiet environment, as no special equipment is required. Sound baths on the other handare typically conducted in studios or wellness centers where a facilitator plays a variety of instruments. However, many facilitators are now recording some of their sound bath sessions and making the recordings accessible to their clients so that they can do their own sound baths at home should they wish.

Which Practice is Right for You?

You don’t have to choose between a sound bath and traditional meditation, as you can enjoy both. Nevertheless, some individuals do gain a liking for one over the other. It really is a matter of your own goals, level of experience and personal preferences as well as accessibility.

If you prefer something that is more sensory focused and passive, then a sound bath could be the ideal practice to incorporate into your self-care routine. However, if you don’t have access to a sound bath recording and cannot get to a wellness center or studio, you might prefer to practice traditional meditation at home by yourself.


Although similar, sound baths and traditional meditation are slightly different in the fact that one is a more passive experience than the other. However, whichever one you choosebe sure to have an open mind and you will reap the benefits of lower stress levels, better sleep, and more enhanced self-awareness.

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