What to Expect in the First Year Post Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery

1,112 ViewsSleeve gastrectomy is one of many bariatric surgery options currently available in Dallas and other locations. This surgery is minimally invasive and results in drastic weight loss. Even though the surgery promises many benefits, it is common for some patients to have unrealistic expectations. While most patients record success, some fail to reach their […]

Infection Control

861 ViewsIs there a way to avoid the 14-day quarantine that is being recommended for patients in healthcare facilities? Due to the frequent close contact between patients receiving healthcare and healthcare staff, a 14-day quarantine period is recommended for both patients receiving care and those who have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. These documents indicate that […]

What Causes Serious Bloating In The Stomach?

1,124 ViewsBloating is a very unpleasant health condition that can occur along with nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms. This condition is most often temporary, but if it occurs more often, it may indicate a disease, especially when pain appears, an appointment with a doctor is necessary. There are many reasons for these symptoms. The main […]

Effective Treatments for Heroin Addiction

1,395 ViewsVarious effective treatments are readily available for heroin addiction. It includes both pharmacological or medications and behavioral therapies. Both approaches will help to restore a degree of normalcy to behavior and brain function. It results in a lower risk of getting diseases like the Human Immunodeficiency Virus and criminal behavior, as well as increase […]